St Teresa’s College Alumni – AstA
St Teresa’s College Alumni – AstA
The Alumnae association works as an annex in maintaining relationship with alumni, involving them in the department’s development and growth. It also keeps the alumnae updated on the various college and department events. The association has also worked on a significant interaction between its old and new alumnae sharing the reminiscence of college and the department. It has also served as an inspiration for the young students making them know the spirit of being a teresian. The association has a significant role in promoting and carrying the mission of college by funding activities, giving scholarships and organizing alumnae meets. Come and register, be a part of alumnae and stay in touch with your batchmates and college and inspire juniors.
AstA Activities
AstAAnnual General Meeting
Christmas Sale
Empowering women Entrepreneurs
Student Support
Counseling Services
Community Support
AstA News
Up-to-the-Minute News, Achievements, Activities, and Seminars
Notable Alumni
Our Students Success Stories | St Teresa’s College (Autonomous)

St. Teresa’s College, (Autonomous)
St. Teresa’s College, (Autonomous) is committed to enriching the lives of its students by empowering them. We provide holistic education that enables them to actively participate in community life. Womens’ education is a crucial factor that contributes to nation-building, and for the past ninety years we have been educating young women from different stratas of our society.
The concept of education needs to change keeping in mind the needs of the present generation of learners, and we strive to equip them with the necessary skill sets to meet the different challenges that they may be required to meet.